Dance Pathway
The Dance Program at Maine Arts Academy focuses on building confidence through movement. Through sequential instruction in various genres, students of all levels discover their abilities, strengthen their technique, improve form, and develop an appreciation of movement and dance. The Dance Pathway allows students to gain experience collaborating with others while creating and performing original choreography. Dance Students can perform in recitals, original choreography projects, collaborations, and an annual dance show.
8 credits in the Dance Pathway to earn a concentration in Dance.
Dance Pathway Courses
Dance classes may be repeatedly taken
Level 1: Foundation Skills Course
Sample Dance
Acrobatic Arts (instructor permission required for safety)
Level 2: Intermediate Skills Course
Prerequisite Beginning Sample Dance or audition
Dance Technique Lab 1 - Jazz and Tap
Dance Technique Lab 2 - Ballet and Contemporary
Dance Studies - History and Appreciation (Art and Social Studies credit)
Level 3: Advanced Skills Class
By audition or instructor’s permission only
Dance Composition and Performance
Dance Technique Lab 3 - Ballet and Jazz
Incoming students may audition for advanced placement, otherwise, advanced placement is not guaranteed.