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COVID-19 Update

Last reviewed 07/04/24

Hello MeAA Families,

In order to return safely to instruction on August 11, 2024, the Center for Disease Control in conjunction with the Maine Department of Education, updated its recommended response to managing COVID 19 in schools. Maine Arts Academy will be monitoring the community risk by county, throughout the school year, to make informed decisions in mitigating outbreaks. The school will also make decisions based on any outbreak status the school might encounter. 


Quarantine is no longer recommended for anyone who might have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID 19. The CDC recommended time for isolation for positive cases is 5 days. If they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are resolving (without fever for 24 hours), follow that by 5 days of wearing a mask when around others.  


Maine Arts Academy supports regular habits of staying up-to-date with all vaccinations, hand washing, wearing a mask with any symptoms that might appear to be COVID 19, at-home testing, using ventilation strategies and cleaning. 


We look forward to a wonderful 2024/2025 school year and know how important it is for students to be at school for in person learning! 



Heather King, Head of School


Rachel Merrill, Principal

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